Village Museum Großgörschen
Village Museum Großgörschen
A large diorama shows the battle in and around Großgörschen on May 2, 1813, when Prussia and Russia fought as allies against Napoleon for the first time. The battle in the quadrangle of villages Großgörschen, Kleingörschen, Kaja and Rahna claimed over 33,000 lives. Major General Gerhard Johann David von Scharnhorst was wounded in the leg during the battle of Großgörschen. On his way to meet the Emperor in Vienna, he died of gangrene in Prague a few weeks later. In the small museum, which is located in an old manor house, you can also see everyday things of the villagers from times long past. Every year on the first weekend in May, the Scharnhorst Festival is held, during which the battle is re-enacted.
Thomas-Müntzer-Strasse 13