Nebra Ark - Experience the Sky Disk
Nebra Ark - Experience the Sky Disk
On the Mittelberg near Wangen, a district of Nebra, two looted excavators discovered the Nebra Sky Disk in 1999. After its recovery in 2002, its story went around the world. Forged over 3,600 years ago, it is the oldest concrete representation of the cosmos in the world and has revolutionized our image of the Bronze Age.
The site where the sky disc was found on the Mittelberg has been open to visitors since 2007. A 30-meter-high observation tower invites visitors to observe the sky. In clear weather, you can see as far as the Brocken mountain from the viewing platform, which plays an important role as a landmark in the astronomical interpretation of the sky disk. What exactly the astronomy of the sky disc is all about is presented in the planetarium of the Nebra Ark Visitor Center at the foot of the Mittelberg. More than 3,600 years ago, the sky disc was already used to determine calendar dates and to link the solar calendar with the lunar calendar. The extraordinarily designed presentation in the Nebra Ark reveals the dimensions of the enigmatic find: Far-reaching trade relations, amazing craftsmanship and fascinating astronomical knowledge give an idea of how complex and highly developed the cultures of the Bronze Age were. All of this is presented with wit and charm: virtual figures that ghost through the showcases, films, comics and even a Punch and Judy show inspire visitors to Nebra Ark to learn more about the history of the sky disc.
The Nebra Ark is part of the archaeoastronomical network "Himmelswege". The Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Saale) is one of the five Himmelswege sites. The original Nebra Sky Disk can also be seen there.
An der Steinklöbe 16